Psd afloat san diego phone number
Psd afloat san diego phone number

This model is being used as a template for future Navy pay and personnel processes for new construction ships, as well as the back fitting of the existing ships. CNIC and the fleet are using this as a template to remove billets from the ships to the ashore commands. The chart references the old DK/PN rates however, the recent merger converts these ratings to the new combined PS rate. The chart at right is a snapshot of the analysis completed by Navy Manpower Analysis Command (NAVMAC) that demonstrates the DK/PN (now Personnel Specialist) requirements by ship class. With the rating merger of the personnelman (PN) and disbursing clerk (DK) into personnel specialist (PS) in October 2005 and the advent of PAPA and Navy Cash, optimal manning afloat is becoming a reality in the personnel and disbursing arena throughout the fleet. These ships are serviced out of Norfolk, San Diego and PSD Pearl Harbor. Today 60 ships are being serviced under the PAPA/PSD Afloat concept and the number of ships grows every week.

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Under the guidance of CNIC with support from the NFS, this Afloat Supply Department of the Future initiative is reaping benefits for the Navy by decreasing the overall amount of billets assigned to support functions. With PSD Afloat LANT now firmly secure under the PASS network at its newly refurbished detachment in Norfolk and four other fleet concentration locations under contract, the future is here and implementation accelerates this spring. The Yokosuka site has not yet been identified, but PSA PAC is working with the region to find available suitable space. Pearl Harbor will be combined with the PSD at the Moanalua Center and will move tentatively in the December 2006 time frame. Yokosuka and Pearl Harbor sites will be completed in FY '07. The project is being administered by Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southeast and funded by CNIC with NFS coordinating refurbishment and implementation. Present PSD employees have been relocated to an adjacent building to prevent any disruptions in service. The building completion is targeted for September '06 and the ships will be serviced shortly after. The current PSD building is under refurbishment to accommodate the personnel being transferred from the ships. The Mayport, Fla., site will be integrated with PSD Mayport and will be our final project of the year. Completion of the building is scheduled for June '06.

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Next to open is the San Diego detachment, which currently supports eight ships and will eventually support 44 ships. PSD Sasebo is under PSA Pacific which has been active since the inception of PAPA and falls under the PASS network. The advantage of collocating the two operations means no new real estate is required and it will give management the option of shifting assets when necessary to accommodate workload resulting in future savings and efficiencies. The Sasebo site will be the first OCONUS site combined with an existing PSD. The ribbon cutting ceremony is tentatively scheduled in May '06. The PSD in Sasebo has been funded by CNIC to expand their operation to include the necessary space to support their home-based ships. The project is under NS Everett Public Works Engineering and is funded by Commander Naval Installations Command (CNIC) with Navy Family Support (NFS) coordinating the refurbishment effort. The refurbishment project is taking place in building 2000 at Naval Station Everett. The Everett Customer Service Detachment (CSD) will be upgraded to a PSD and support seven ships in their geographic area. The implementation chart below is a snapshot of the implementation plan.Įverett's site will be the second site combined with an existing Personnel Administrative Support Service (PASS) operation. and San Diego, Calif., with Yokosuka, Japan, and Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, in FY '07 for a total of seven sites.

psd afloat san diego phone number psd afloat san diego phone number

The PSD Afloat detachments scheduled for completion in FY '06 include Sasebo Everett, Wash. Implementation in FY '06 includes our first overseas operation in Sasebo, Japan. Personnel Support Detachment (PSD) Afloat LANT in Norfolk is the first official site, which opened in June 2005. The PAPA program compliments Distance Support initiatives. PAPA is the third phase of Disbursing Off Ships (DOS) and is an Afloat Supply Department of the Future (ASDOF) initiative. The PAPA initiative moves personnel, pay and travel records ashore along with the folks doing the work. Retrieved from (PAPA)+accelerates+fleetwide.-a0196305668

  • APA style: Pay and personnel ashore (PAPA) accelerates fleetwide.
  • Pay and personnel ashore (PAPA) accelerates fleetwide." Retrieved from (PAPA)+accelerates+fleetwide.-a0196305668 Department of the Navy, Supply Systems Command 13 Aug.


  • MLA style: "Pay and personnel ashore (PAPA) accelerates fleetwide." The Free Library.

  • Psd afloat san diego phone number